May 29, 2014

School Days....

It's done!

This one graduated to the young four's class.

She loved going to preschool two days a week.  She knows her letters, shapes and colours.  Counts to 30 (but prefers to 3..."I'll give you 3 seconds to give me a cookie or I'm going to put you in time out.
 Hmph!")  Has made some really good friends.  And the teachers call her little helper...always taking care of the boys, listening during story time, and ready to put her hand on her hip and wave a finger at someone, if needed. That sounds like our Bronwyn.  She adored her teachers.  And here they are...Mrs Sharon and Mrs Allyn.

And here's our rising second grader.

He ended his year with a strong performance during Field Day.  By strong we mean FUN! I manned the rotating planets relay race.  After his team came in first we decided to add a challenge.  Run it backwards.  Snicker!  I think Jack was still flat on his back when the whistle blew for the next activity.  As were most of the kids.  Mental note... running backwards seems to be more of a second grade skill :)

The very next week was the first grade poetry recital.  Check him out.  Third to your right.

Gulp!  Followed by the class picnic.  Look who tagged along (and ate all the cookies)

Jack's class one last time out for recess!

And end of school meant end of extra curriculars (code for extra money out of our pocket and extra gas out of our tank and extra sleep stolen away from our Saturday mornings.  Hee hee.)

Bronwyn finished Soccer with a trophy, a slide in a bouncy house, and big hug from her coach (and sprinkling of the magical fairy dust on the soccer ball, aka dirt.)

And young Jack took third place for bug house chess.

Now that school is out, you know what that means....


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