May 8, 2014

Finding Seaweed...

...and Paddy, Mikey, and Ricky.  These fishies should be easier to find than Nemo--given they glow :) 

What are we doing with a tank of fish?  Relieving our guilt!  Bronwyn came home from preschool announcing she is the only kid in class without a pet--Jack said the same is true for him!

Good grief!

$200 later (we thought we were just buying a $7 fish...but their accessories are more expensive than mine!) we own a tank, decorations, plants and four GloFish!

Kids were very helpful in setting the tank up--that is if you consider losing interest and destroying the package styrofoam on our carpet helpful.  Nah they helped (they also did destroy the packaging!) by placing the decorations in the tank and helping to pour in the treated water.

They also adopted the fish.  Bronwyn chose the pink and purple fish.  SHOCKING, I know!  Jack chose the green and orange fish.  They both had named their fish before they were even out of the tank and in their cozy bags. The kids insisted on carrying their fish home while mom fretted nervously envisioning this...

I didn't post until we made it through the first week (think hard and you'll understand why)...but now we are ready to introduce our four new family members.  

Meet Seaweed (pink); Paddy (purple); Mikey (green one hiding); Ricky (orange).  

We are officially pet owners again :). Long live the fish!  (And I'll have the dad get a more flattering fish picture soon!  I promise they don't live in swampy water) :)

Welcome to the family guys!

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