May 17, 2015

Jack Interview 2015

1. What is your happiest memory? Going to Disney.
2. Why do you like being a kid? It's fun.  You get to play with toys.
3. One word to describe you would be _______. Happy.
4. What advice would you give your parents? Let me play Minecraft 24/7.
5. If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why? Probably be a, oh darn..., I don't know.  A bunny--because bunnies are awesome and they hop around and they could be the Easter Bunny--the boss of Easter.
6. What do you like to do for fun? Play Minecraft and make up costumes.
7. Tell about a funny time in your life. Once I forgot a day was Saturday and I was like, "Mom, Mom I'm late for school!"
8. What is your favorite thing to do? Why? Play games because it is really fun.
9. What is your favorite thing to do with your friends? Play Minecraft.
10. What do you love most about your sibling? That she always wants to play with me and always tries to attack me with hugs.
11. What was the nicest thing you did for someone? Hold open the door.  J/K/.  Hug.
12. What do you think you will be when you grow up? A professional hacker to hack into the Chinese computer systems.  I want to be an ethical hacker--a good guy.
13. What would be the ideal allowance? Tell me how you would use it. A Million Dollars a second and I'd buy every Lego set in history even the expensive ones on Amazon.
14. What do you think makes a person good-looking? They're looks.  They have to look good.
15. Name two things you would do if president? I would make a law that says people have to be nice and I'd hire the cabinet specially the Secretary of Pizza and I'd veto any law I don't like.
16. What is the grossest thing you can think of?  Puke.  No wait...the inside of the vacuum cleaner.

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