Jan 12, 2010

Jack a Future Spelling Bee Champ?

Here's a fun new development for Jack. He has started to spell out words. Certain words I should say. The first word he spelled was...J-A-C-K. Shocking, I know. He is keen on pointing out his name whenever he spots it. Lucky for him his name is on his lunchbox, spoon, bedroom wall, snowglobe, and almost every pair of underwear (daycare necessity). Hog heaven for my self-absorbed, yet adorable little munchkin! He then showed interest in writing his name. I got a solid J out of him and then he realized he was DRAWING...aghast...and quickly stopped.

His obsession with his name continued the other evening during bath time. He asked for his bath foam letters for the first time in six months. After ensuring they were mold-free (working mom card being played there...no picking on me!) I filled the tub with his letters. Here is where we discovered that potty humor and spelling is like chocolate and peanut butter...a wonderful discovery. The rest of the evening Jack learned words like P-O-O; P-E-E; P-O-O-P; B-U-R-P; and P-O-O-T-Y...so I am thinking his first sentence may be J-A-C-K P-O-O-P-S and B-U-R-Ps. He will be so happy when he figures how to build his own sentences. Good grief.

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