Jan 9, 2010

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Oh the weather outside was...well, mild! But who cares...we live in the south and it SNOWED! Jack was thoroughly excited! Here he is on our deck right when the white stuff started to fall.

And here he is completing a milestone...catching a flake with his tongue!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
They said an inch...and it turned out to be exaggerated by about 70%...but that is okay. The neighborhood was full of kids sleighing down every steep driveway they could find. As southerners, we do not own a sleigh...so we improvised and Jack took his turn down the hill in our recycling bin. He LOVED it...but the grass peaking through slowed him down a bit (which I loved...the slow it down bit, that is!)

Jack LOVES snow and apparently has a new super power...can have his whole body covered in the wet stuff with his nose a dripping and still claim to feel great and want to stay outside. His mother who does not share this super power lured him back in with promises of sitting by the fire and Hot Chocolate. It worked. Thank goodness!

1 comment:

  1. Hot Chocolate sounds yummy! Love the improvised sleigh!
