Jan 1, 2010

...and a Happy New Year!

We had a fabulous New Year's Eve for a family of introverts...we stayed in with good food, movies and family! We wrote our 2010 goals and stuffed them in our stockings, no not so they are out of sight out of mind...but so next Christmas we can check and see how well we did. Here is what Jack told us to write for his goals.

1. Play more.

2. Play more with Daddy.

3. Play more games.

4. More movie nights.

5. Learn to play Karate.


At midnight in Banjul (7pm EST), Jack rang in the New Year's. We all picked a toy to make noise with. Jack picked his abacus...that should be good for a few laughs when he is a teenager.

On New Year's Day we decided it was time to demolish the gingerbread house. Jack went right to work even using two hammers at times until it was smashed to smithereens!


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