Dec 30, 2009

Merry Christmas...

The wrappings are thrown, the ribbons stored and the memories made. Merry Christmas! A few special moments and then on to the video montage of Jack and his loot.

I had visions of Jack storming in our room at 5:30 am shouting "SANTA CAME!" The reality? I woke Jack up at 8:00 am...our early bird transformed to a sleepy head. Look here he still has Mr. Sandman's sand in his eyes!

He was wonderfully patient as we all took turns opening gifts...though I caught him sneaking Santa's leftover cookie during Pop Pop's turn. HA!

And then a few of those memories that one day will be funny (promise...) like Maddie removing the left hand of Jack's new fireman only to go back for the right hand a few hours later (Buster would have eaten the hand first but he was nursing a sore shoulder..) or the five times I had to put the Crown Roast back in the oven because it was still bloody red in the joints (literally). All in all it was a perfect holiday...good presents, good food and most importantly a GREAT family! Here's the montage...Pop Pop took all the good pictures and promises to send them. So forgive the grainy shots and enjoy!

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