Dec 13, 2009

Over the Hill and through the Woods to...

Jack, Gary and I want to give Grandma and Grandpa a BIG thank you for going over the hills and through several wrong turns to get to our home to take care of Jack last week while his Mom and Dad had out-of-town business trips! Jack thoroughly enjoyed his grandparents' unexpected visit (he especially enjoyed Grandpa giving him TWO ice creams with dinner the first night and then Grandma sharing chocolate cake the second night...) The grandparents proved to be super nanny's not being deterred one bit in the face of whining, picky eating, or even the most complicate set of remote controls ever created. The only kryptonite for these two were the gazillion stairs in this house. Sorry about the aching knees :(

Jack is blessed to have two sets of very loving grandparents that have helped us immensely this past year!!! THANK YOU! And now we get ready for Minni and Pop pop to come for Christmas!

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