Dec 29, 2009

Prelude to Christmas

Christmas is 95% anticipation. This was Jack's first Christmas at home. Besides visiting Santa, scoping out the tackiest Christmas lights and watching every Christmas movie suitable...we built up the anticipation with a few additional traditions.


I was all set for an idyllic morning of cookie baking and decorating. Minni and Pop Pop were eager to join in...that is until I pulled out the Betty Crocker mix. WHAT? Not homemade? They exchanged those glances couples do when the wish to communicate telepathically. I pressed on citing all my reasons for using the mix...highest rated by Consumer Reports, fool-proof, I AM A WORKING MOM for Pete's sake. They graciously accepted all the reasons and the fun began. Thank you Minni for teaching me the proper way to "roll out" cookie dough. Good grief Betty! We used the traditional cut-outs of trees, snowman, stars, etc. and then Pop Pop got a little creative with the free hand...let's just say I don't think Rubbermaid will be making a mold for his "Jack Frost's side profile" cookie. However his rocket ship cookie was Jack's favorite (big surprise!) After 8-9 minutes those puppies were ready to cool off and get some cookie clothes on. Pop Pop took the decorating seriously remaining focused on his art. Minni claimed to be terrible at dressing cookies only to turn out the prettiest ones (which might say more about the rest of us than Minni's, I proved to be a copy cat and Jack continued his streak of disdain for crafts and his love of sugar. He ate all the toppings while the rest of us decorated. After we all tried a cookie I ate some humble pie and promptly snuck out of the house to call Aunt Meg for her homemade sugar cookie recipe. Without as much as an "I told you so" Pop Pop and Jack helped me make (and eat) the homemade cookies the following day (much much better). Thanks Aunt Meg!

Oh Christmas Tree!

Our second new tradition. Decorating a tree four our friends outdoors. I dragged Minni and Pop Pop out in the frigid cold to string popcorn and cranberry garland while Jack and I made pine cone bird seed ornaments. We discovered that borderline burnt popcorn is rather difficult to work with. Like the sugar cookies I made a new batch of popcorn. Much better. Minni finished her string of garland first (not that it was a competition or anything!) Her reward was to pick the dinner venue for the evening. Pizza. Excellent choice. Jack impressed me as he hung all the ornaments. Limited by size only he hung the ornaments in varied heights and distances to create a rather aesthetically pleasing arrangement. He may have his father's arranger talent after all. We would have more garland but Minni and Pop Pop threatened to go on strike with only one demand (an outdoor fireplace or heat choice!)

Christmas Eve

Jack's advent gift on this day was Reindeer food. We bravely ran out in the rain to spread it on the grass--ensuring Santa's sled pullers were fueled up for the ride up to the roof top! But before this we celebrated the birth of Jesus at our Parish's 4pm children's mass. Ninety percent of the time I am so proud of how articulate Jack is...understood by most. And then there are other times...such as in the middle of the Gospel when a hush falls over the parish and Jack says so clearly (and loudly) in a resolved voice, "I want to go home now!" I swear I saw a man's shoulders' shudder with laughter six pews up. Jack's other proclamation...after we returned from receiving the Holy Eucharist he sang out "My blessing has worn off! It is gone!" Oh my...if that isn't reason enough to return to church next Sunday...what is? The night rounded out with delicious nibbles, drinks, carols and family. Jack opened up his gifts from Uncle Robby, Aunt Meg and the he is with his awesome remote control Monster Truck. Daddy read us Night Before Christmas and tucked Jack into bed...with sugar plums dancing in his head! How could he sleep! The anticipation...isn't it enough to just sleigh you (groan!)

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