Dec 18, 2009

A Jack Attack?

Jack's teacher pulled Gary aside Wednesday to ask if anything was going on with Jack at home.  Hmm...there's a loaded question.  Apparently the sweet boy we all know, the one whose previous teacher said he would NEVER hurt another kid--hit, pushed, pulled, and bonked another kid on the head with a toy.  WHAT?!?!?  Shocked and confused we came together and had a "chat" with the boy.  We went as far as to roll play what you DO say when angry with another child.  We also recognized his sleep is all off and we have been on-the-go with business travel and holiday prepartions so we slowed down and had two wonderful nights at home and early bedtimes.   When he woke this morning he told me, "It is HARD to be patient."  Yes, Jack it certainly is.  His teacher said yesterday was perfect...old Jack was back.  Fingers crossed the same for today.  Did we just handle our first important discipline issue?  Is this what parenting a teenager is like--only times 100?  No more attacks, Jack.  Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. The only thing I can see is that Jacks middle name should of been "Dempsey". That would of explained every thing.
