Feb 4, 2010

Jack's Thunderstorm

On the way home from school Jack started to inquire about thunder, rain and lightening. "What sound does lightening make?" "Where does thunder come from?" We googled the subject and learned some fun facts, like did you know the clouds that produce thunderstorms are called ‘cumulonimbus’. Me neither. Though Jack and I found 'thunder clouds' easier to spell and pronounce. We then made our own thunder and lightening (using static and a blankie). After I realized teaching a three-year old how to "shock" his mommy was not a bright idea I was pleased to see Jack took it upon himself to draw a thunderstorm.

So this is a big deal! Jack never draws. I got a fireman out of him last week and now a whole scene? WOW! Maybe one of you will get a homemade Valentine card this year??? I left to get the camera right when he started drawing the rain drops and when I came back he proudly explained that the yellow line at top was the lightening. The clouds were filled with thunder (which is why he colored them black) and the blue on the bottom were puddles. He was very upset with his cloud (upper left) and said it looked nothing like a cloud and even threw his chalk at it in anger. Anger issues or a budding perfectionist? hmm... regardless we now need some new white chalk :) After this he attempted to draw a car wash. This did not go over very well and we also need new green and purple chalk. :(

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