Feb 14, 2010

Size Really Does Matter...

...When it Comes to Snow

Flip Sprinkle Snowshine Wilson, or whatever credibility inspiring name our weatherman uses, predicted one to two inches of snow and we got close to four! Jack woke Friday morning declaring he doesn't want it to snow...because snow is too cold and wet. Then, it snowed and we all took noticed that a different tune was being hummed.

Jack went sledding...(kind of...we really need to find a real hill and a real sled.)

He got in a snow ball fight with dear ol' Dad...

Saturday morning we made a snowman...

Then Jack ate his nose...

Then Jack decided the snowman needed a bit of surgery...

And now we have a snowwoman...

He ended his romp in a snow with a ride in his tractor down the rapidly melting snow-covered street.

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