Feb 1, 2010

On Becoming a Grown Up

While daycare has not put a pull up on Jack in three months for nap time...we still do.  Why?  Who wants to change sheets if they don't have to.  Well, Jack politely requested to wear his underwear for nap time this weekend.  With fingers crossed I obliged.  SO PROUD OF HIM.  He took a marathon nap and still stayed dry.  Here was our exchange afterwards:

M:  Jack, you stayed dry during your nap.  Aren't you proud?

J:  I am dry.  I am a grown up boy now.

M:  A grown up? WOW!

J:  Yes.  And Daddy is going to give me his lawn mower now that I am a grown up boy.

M:  His lawnmower?

J:  Yes, and Grandpa's lawn mower because it is a riding lawnmower which is better than Daddy's handled lawnmower.

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