Aug 23, 2010

Jack and the Orange Belt

Before the weekend Jack's Karate School had their testing for all Tiny Tigers. Jack tested for his Orange Belt. Picture a roomful of 30 three-to-six year olds demonstrating basic skills on command. Can you see it? Aw...I think your imagination is getting the best of's the vid...check it out!

Jack received a report card after the "judging." He was scored on a 1-5 scale with 5 high.
  • Focus = 1 :(

  • Physicality = 2.5

  • Stranger Danger = 4.5 :)

  • Basics = 3

  • Attitude = 5 :) :) :)

They made a note to work on Jack's focus. Hee-hee...should we have him go back to the womb and get a new set of DNA...exactly how do you work on focus? Well, we signed him up for another session guess that is working on it somehow! HA!

They held a short ceremony after the testing. When Jack received his orange belt he stood up, held it over his head all Rocky style and screamed, "I got my orange belt! I knew I could do it! I knew I could!"

Here he is with his various Karate teachers. You can read the pride and excitement all over his face. Go Jack, Go!

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