Aug 19, 2010

While You Were Sleeping

Tuesday night Gary and I danced the comedic dance called, "Is this it?"

At midnight, I started having some frequent contractions. Hard enough to be called "uncomfortable." I woke Gary up. BIG MISTAKE! He works in a Field of disaster and emergencies and I was expecting CALM and COOL...HA!

He went right into emergency mode. He ran downstairs and got the laptop (in the old days people timed contractions with watches and paper! Now there is a site,; FOUR bottles of water for me to "guzzle" and the phone.

We timed the contractions while DH pleaded for me to take a warm bath (they seem to stop the contractions I have had in the past). I didn't want too! Why? I was sleepy and just wanted the contractions to be WILLED away (sounds rationale, right?) The contractions were 3 minutes apart and lasting almost 1 minute in duration. After 30-minutes of this I caved to his request for a bath.

He drew the bath while debating to take a shower himself. At some point I think he comtemplating shaving! At this point it also dawned on us procrastinators that we didn't have a bag packed for the hospital, yet! I stepped into the bath as Gary went to find some bags for packing.


Try again. (insert whistling while filling a jet tub)...


Just as I give up on the bath, Gary comes in with a gazillion questions (where is her take home outfit? Do we pack diapers or use theirs? We need loose change for vending...can we rob from Jack's piggy bank?)

45-minutes since I woke Gary up the contractions start to fizzle out. YAY! We still have 1 1/2 weeks to go to Full Term (37 weeks) and a month until DUE DATE!

While I am ready for bed, Gary sees this event as a wake up call to get our bags packed and affairs in order. Thus, at 3:30 am we almost done packing and discussing the value of taking my Kindle with us to the hospital. GOOD GRIEF! All in preparation of sleepless nights ahead (I suppose).

Moral of the story...may Bronwyn not inherit her parents' craziness or procrastinator genes!

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