Aug 19, 2010

Now Jack is Ready to be a Big Brother

Before Saturday if you asked Jack if he was ready to be a big brother he would reply, "No, I don't know how." Saturday he attended a Big Brother/Big Sister class put on by the hospital we will deliver at. It was an hour long class that included craft activities, education on babies, practice diapering and swaddling and a tour of the hospital. Jack now says he "knows how to be a big brother!"

A few highlights from the class:

1) When asked whether he was having a sister or brother Jack replied, "A baby sister. I named her Baby Sprout!" How long do you guys think he will call her Sprout until he realizes that isn't her real name?

2) When shown a demonstration on a toy baby of the umbilical cord and clamp to teach the brothers and sisters not to touch the belly button when first born, Jack said, "I NEED a toy baby with an umbilical cord so I can play baby doctor!" Just this morning he asked me to put that on his Christmas list? Santa or one of the grandparents...who wants to try and find that doll? HA! (Please don't!!!) :)

3) When practicing diapering each brother/sister had the chance to take a diaper off the doll, wipe it clean and put a new diaper back on. When Jack's turn he did EXCELLENT. A real pro...except for one tiny little flaw. When wiping the baby he wipe the front (good!) then the behind (good!) and then went right for the eyes, ears and nose (not good!) It earned a collective groan from the parents and after Jack completed wiping every exposed part of this doll one father exclaimed, "Well, he is thorough, isn't he?"

4) When visiting the nursery and seeing all the tiny, precious, melt-your-heart newborns Jack looked in and then turned to the instructor and said, "Ready! NEXT ROOM now!" Good grief!

He received a graduation certificate, a coupon for free ice cream at McDonald's and a new sense of excitement about his soon-to-be-here baby sister. SUCCESS!

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