Jun 14, 2011

Jacasso...The Artist

Jack's daily drawings:

From left to right:  An ambulance with sick person in it; a woman; a no smoking sign; a staircase that frustrated him so for the lack of proportion....hence the big X mark through his drawing.  Why the no smoking sign you ask?  I asked too.  Because it is always posted at the restaurant and he needed one for our kitchen.

Rocks.  He explained the different kind and his coding with colors versus dots, etc.  It went very much over my head as my experience with rocks is this...ooh, does that diamond come in princess cut?

A firetruck, of course.  See the sirens, the four wheels, the ladder and the hose!  The F for fire truck because the word fire wouldn't fit.  Also that person is the one in trouble...her hair is on fire...thus the smile???

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