Jun 8, 2011

Put One Foot in Front of the Other...

It's been a month.  How can life change in a month?  Jack and Bronwyn have a new cousin (or technically she is a second cousin or is it a cousin once removed...so confusing!).  Journee was born since we posted last and we say WELCOME TO THE WORLD Journee!  I went to Korea and learned that a 13 hour time change is like an extended hangover without any of the fun!  Jack has gone through a major drawing spurt and if we can find where I packed the camera I will get some of his images on film...but suffice to say if you just name one of the few emergency vehicles in existence today chances are you will guess what his picture is of pretty accurately!  And Bronwyn...well she is now cruising like a champ, climbing stairs, eating meat (she loves it!), fingering cheerios, and waving hello/goodbye.  Here she is playing with Jack's wagon (which he generously has given to her except for when he needs to convert it into a Monster Truck and have it demolish all the pillows in the house...insert mom's rolling eyes here.)

Promise to be more timely on updates.

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