Jun 9, 2011

Silence is Golden

Jack and Bronwyn went to a Gold Mine with Nana and Emily yesterday.  While they didn't strike it rich they did come home with a few priceless stories.  On the way there they stopped at a Chinese restaurant for lunch.  Another patron with her seven-month old baby visited Jack and Bronwyn.  Jack said to her, "Your baby is as cute as my baby.  Say hi Bronwyn.  Go ahead and wave."  He then proceeded to eat jello for first time in a long while.  Upon exiting he turned around to face everyone in the restaurant and said purposefully using his outdoor voice, "Thank you for the JELLO!  It was a party in my esophogus and everyone was invited." He was only missing the bow.

Good grief!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahaha! Oh my goodness, does that boy ever have a personality! Love it!
