Aug 6, 2015

Countdown continued

'Twas the night before the first day of school,
and the kids were a mess.
Tired and cranky--perhaps possessed.
I think they figured out summer vacation will end,
For Bronwyn to school goes all of her friends.
8 hours a day on Minecraft no more,
Jack now has 7 hours of writing and reading galore!
Outfits have been selected, ironed and stored
can we make it to morning without crumbling them on the floor??? please....
Nervous and anxious, common the night before...
will my old friends still like me or now find me a bore?
So what better way to prepare for the first day of class..
then a back to school eve dinner!  We all had a blast!

Ready for a back to school dinner!

Kids filled out their Back to School Interviews

Bronwyn doesn't start pre-school for a few more weeks, but she played along too!  She got a little help from mom and dad...can't really tell a difference in handwriting between the adults and the preschooler.  YIKES!

Jack's interview...will it change much by end of third grade???

I didn't get a picture but the placemats were chalkboard.  The kids played a game during dinner where they create math equations to represent answers to

  • What grade will you start tomorrow?
  • How many more hours until the school bus arrives?
  • How many students in your class?
They had a lot of fun with this!  

Bronwyn was so excited the party had party favors!  Inside was a bunch of Starbursts ;)

Jack and Bronwyn then made their own recipe for success!
Jack added 2 cups effort.
2 cups curiosity.  Curiosity?  "That's easy", says Jack.

2 handfuls of listen (looks like both my kids may have skimped on this one a bit...hmmm...)
Fun was popular...seems they both believe success is equal parts fun and effort... :)

Integral Ingredient! 

a pinch of luck...Jack wanted a guarantee this was 'good luck' and not the other kind.  I checked the expiration date...luck hasn't yet run out.  HEE HEE HEE HEE

Jack is already for a successful year of third grade (and all ready for snack time!!!) 

Now, off to bed!  That bus comes AWFUL early...yawn!

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