Aug 14, 2015

Sugar Bugs

It happens.

You go to the dentist.  They clean your teeth.  Then next thing you know...

They've got you!!!  

When I was growing up, the dentist called it a cavity.  Now, it's a sugar bug.  When I was growing up it was called a needle filled with novacaine.  Now we put the sugar bug to sleep.  Hush little sugar bug, don't say a word.  With anesthesic wipe so you don't feel the needle; a movie on a jumbo screen mounted on the ceiling so you don't notice the needle; and strawberry flavored oxygen so you don't smell you mother's fear when she sees the needle!  Finally when I was growing up it was called a drill and a filling.  Now it is called an artist's tool and we are painting a princess on the tooth after catching the sugar bug.

No wonder Bronwyn loves sweets so much.  I'm rooting for a mouth full of princess dental tattoos, too.

Bronwyn did amazing--even the Dentist was impressed.  The Dentist spent considerable time discussing with Bronwyn the appearance of the etching to be placed on the tooth.  Bronwyn chose Cinderella, in a blue dress, with yellow hair, blue headband, and pink nails.  When the dentist completed her masterpiece, Bronwyn asked to see Cinderella.  Oh no...not possible she's actually safe inside the tooth.  Huh?  Bronwyn looked at her Dentist and said, "If she's in my tooth why did you spend so long painting her so many different colors?  They don't have colored x-Rays you know!"

Temperamental artists...geesh!

Bronwyn is now flossing regularly and looks forward to her next checkup where she'd like to watch a movie, sniff strawberry oxygen and get her nails not Cinderella's nails painted pink...Hmph!

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