Aug 23, 2015

My Prince Has Come...His Name is Daddy

Birthday Love
Bronwyn:  "Daddy, close your eyes.  I have a birthday surprise for you."

(Bronwyn leads her daddy to the Exercise Room)

Bronwyn:  "Open your eyes!  Happy Birthday Dad.  This is how you can remove your big belly this year.  EXERCISE!!!"

Handsome Prince
Bronwyn:  Daddy you look HORRIBLE without your hat.

Daddy:  Is it because my hair is spiky?

Bronwyn:  No, it's because your hair so SO gray.

Good Advice
Daddy:  Come one Bronwyn.  If you don't get upstairs and to bed before your mother comes home she is going to be upset with you.

Bronwyn: Actually Daddy, I think she'll be more upset with you

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