Oct 31, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010

Once upon a time, in line with tradition, the neighborhood kids joined forces on All Hallows Eve to scare away all ghosts and goblins. To avoid retribution and lawsuits from said monsters, the kids disguised themselves in clever costumes. Sending them off to battle properly the parents gathered in the cul-e-sac and fed their costumed munchkins pizza. At exactly 6:30 pm a bell rang and the war began. The children took off and went door-to-door searching for creatures of the night. To show their appreciation, neighbors gave these warriors treats and candies.

Our warriors, Fireman Jack and Snow White were particularly brave and successful. That is until Snow White turned into Grumpy, Sleepy and the new dwarf Hungry and Fireman Jack's hatted head turned as wet as the inside of a fire hydrant.

They brought home enough loot to please even the pickiest of Halloween Witches. Legend has it if you leave your candy outside your door the witch, who needs it to complete her spells, will pick it up in the middle of the night and leave a toy for you in its place. We will put this legend to the test tonight. We feel cautiously optimistic.

Happy Halloween from our Bronster Monster and Jack-o-Lantern!

Oct 30, 2010

Terrible Two's, Terrifying Three's, and Freaky Fours???

We've all had them, witnessed them even caused them. MELTDOWNS! Some predictable...like turning off your preschoolers favorite television show prematurely. Some are tedious...like the time your little one cried for fifteen minutes straight about a thread loose on their underwear. And then some are a bit monstrous. Like tonight.

Jack's meltdown consisted of screams vacillating from little french girl to Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween, going boneless in the parking lot, tears to flood Lake Lanier and insistent demands that Daddy stop his car and turnaround to get his 25 cent gumball toy off the pizza parlor's floor (which was purposely left there after Jack repeatedly threw it and banged the booth trying to get it). In the midst of the ear-splitting screams and pleas...we translated this SOB...said not with tones of vindication or manipulation but exasperation and attempted reasoning, "Now I have to drive my Gator back to the restaurant to get my toys." Not to worry...Dad removed the power supply just to be sure ;)

The Gator

Oct 22, 2010


Bronwyn first smile at 4 weeks exactly...but she remained allusive to the camera until today...where we caught the smile on the uptake. HA!

Is There a Karate Kid in the House?

Jack earned his yellow belt after a grueling (or comical...your pick) evaluation. Actually, he did very well and was as focused as Jack can possibly be throughout the testing period. His grades:

  • Physical B+ (great improvement on jumping jacks, work on strength)

  • Basics B+ (great attitude, work on form of the knife and strike)

  • Stranger Danger B+ (great strength and voice, work on being serious not silly when running from a stranger) (HA!)

  • Form C+
We were asked to keep him in the intro class for a third round to build his strength and confidence. Jack is excited about his yellow belt...but really wants a red one (his favorite color!)

Congrats Jack!

Oct 21, 2010

Jackisms Part IV

Jack: "Mom, flowers need rain to grow, right?"
Mom: "Yes, and sunshine."
Jack: "And reindeer need rain to have something to drink for Christmas."

Get it...RAIN DEERS...BAW...the literalness of children. BAW!!!

Oct 15, 2010

Happy One-Month Bronwyn and Congrats Jack


YAY! Bronnie turned one yesterday and had her well-check with her doctor today. She is now 8 lbs 2 oz (25%); 21 inches (50%). Good job growing Bronnie. We got a first REAL smile from her this weekend and she just treated Mommy to another this morning.


To encourage Jack, we instituted the REWARD chart in our house this week. Jack has chance to earn a sticker five times a day...breakfast (for getting dress on his own, putting toys away before school, and manners during breakfast); school ( a good report on rule following from teacher); Lunch/nap (actually going to bed on his own!!!); dinner (setting table, eating, not singing about poop and staying in his chair until excused...say we more?); and bedtime (going to bed...you know our Jack!) At end of week if he has 30 stickers or more he gets a special treat. This week it was a HOT ROD race track...as Jack LOVES his hot rods...he talks to them more than to me! Here is a video of Jack playing with his Hot Rods right before bedtime. You will note how SLEEPY he is--he DID NOT earn a sticker the night before ;)


Grandpa was just commenting on how his generation didn't get a "good job" for every positive behavior. Clear indication that Jack's generation does...

Jack on way to Karate last night had food all over his face. I handed him a wipey to clean up and he said, "Good job mom on remembering to bring the wipeys. Very proud of you!" Wonder if I get a sticker???

Oct 13, 2010

Sprout is Growing Like a Weed

What do sprouts become? This one is growing into a beautiful flower, is she not? But growing at the rate of a weed! She is in her four-week growth spurt! Oops...gotta go...hungry again! (her, not me!)

Mr Social Butterfly

Jack was playing in the backyard when he spotted his neighbor, Devin (a year older) in his backyard. Jack ran up to Devin and screamed in a voice that sounded like it came from the Dicken's era:

Jack: Hello Devin. Are you playing outside today?

Jack ran to mom and dad to share Devin's reply (which was a simple, yes).

Jack (running back to Devin): Devin, what outfit will you be wearing for Halloween? (outfit???) Will you be a ghost because I am going to be a ghost buster and that would be very funny if you were a ghost!

Jack ran to mom and dad to share Devin's reply (he will be Indiana Jones)...Jack also asked who Inidana Jones is (thinking many a kid will be asking their parents what a Ghost Buster is, too!)

Jack (running back to Devin): Devin, I read a book called Dotty on the Potty and that was really funny because it said potty...POTTY!!! POTTY!! THAT IS FUNNY! (picture Jack now jumping up and down and running in circles flapping his arms...apparently this is how three-year olds become popular because Devin has asked for Jack to come over and play two days in a row now! HA!)

Oct 4, 2010

They'll Be Coming Around the Mountain When They Come...

Some pictures from Grandma and Grandpa's visit. We are so blessed to have great family...thanks for making the trip down to see us!

Grandma walked through the door, washed her hands and got baby in her arms only to let go when Bronwyn was clearly rooting for something Grandma wasn't prepared to supply. I think Bronwyn gets her petite look from her Grandma...a little mini Shirley, huh?

Jack looked all around for Grandpa's riding lawn mower. He was disappointed to see they drove a car instead...the gall of some grandparents...hmph! Looks like he quickly forgave Grandpa!

Aunt Ronda won the good natured award as she made TWO long trips out to the house to see everyone. First to bring Logan and then the next day to bring Ronnie, Roxanne and Peyton (or just for more seven layer dip...you decide!) Take note of Bronwyn...the human food tray :)

Logan has the most delicious monster laugh ever heard. He LOVED the swings...not so much the bouncy house, though.
Bronwyn being pretty in pink!

Here's Jack getting his bouncy on.

Recognize these boys???
Peyton and Jack then...

Peyton and Jack now...

Give me some love, man! One of my favorite lines was from Jack, "Don't push Peyton, just hug!" (Peyton was playfully pushing in the bouncing house sending Jack into fits of laughter...but Jack never gave up on trying to get that darn hug out of Peyton.)

Maybe Peyton was still holding a grudge from his last time visiting Jack...
and the JACK ATTACK!