Oct 30, 2010

Terrible Two's, Terrifying Three's, and Freaky Fours???

We've all had them, witnessed them even caused them. MELTDOWNS! Some predictable...like turning off your preschoolers favorite television show prematurely. Some are tedious...like the time your little one cried for fifteen minutes straight about a thread loose on their underwear. And then some are a bit monstrous. Like tonight.

Jack's meltdown consisted of screams vacillating from little french girl to Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween, going boneless in the parking lot, tears to flood Lake Lanier and insistent demands that Daddy stop his car and turnaround to get his 25 cent gumball toy off the pizza parlor's floor (which was purposely left there after Jack repeatedly threw it and banged the booth trying to get it). In the midst of the ear-splitting screams and pleas...we translated this SOB...said not with tones of vindication or manipulation but exasperation and attempted reasoning, "Now I have to drive my Gator back to the restaurant to get my toys." Not to worry...Dad removed the power supply just to be sure ;)

The Gator

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