Oct 31, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010

Once upon a time, in line with tradition, the neighborhood kids joined forces on All Hallows Eve to scare away all ghosts and goblins. To avoid retribution and lawsuits from said monsters, the kids disguised themselves in clever costumes. Sending them off to battle properly the parents gathered in the cul-e-sac and fed their costumed munchkins pizza. At exactly 6:30 pm a bell rang and the war began. The children took off and went door-to-door searching for creatures of the night. To show their appreciation, neighbors gave these warriors treats and candies.

Our warriors, Fireman Jack and Snow White were particularly brave and successful. That is until Snow White turned into Grumpy, Sleepy and the new dwarf Hungry and Fireman Jack's hatted head turned as wet as the inside of a fire hydrant.

They brought home enough loot to please even the pickiest of Halloween Witches. Legend has it if you leave your candy outside your door the witch, who needs it to complete her spells, will pick it up in the middle of the night and leave a toy for you in its place. We will put this legend to the test tonight. We feel cautiously optimistic.

Happy Halloween from our Bronster Monster and Jack-o-Lantern!

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