Oct 15, 2010

Happy One-Month Bronwyn and Congrats Jack


YAY! Bronnie turned one yesterday and had her well-check with her doctor today. She is now 8 lbs 2 oz (25%); 21 inches (50%). Good job growing Bronnie. We got a first REAL smile from her this weekend and she just treated Mommy to another this morning.


To encourage Jack, we instituted the REWARD chart in our house this week. Jack has chance to earn a sticker five times a day...breakfast (for getting dress on his own, putting toys away before school, and manners during breakfast); school ( a good report on rule following from teacher); Lunch/nap (actually going to bed on his own!!!); dinner (setting table, eating, not singing about poop and staying in his chair until excused...say we more?); and bedtime (going to bed...you know our Jack!) At end of week if he has 30 stickers or more he gets a special treat. This week it was a HOT ROD race track...as Jack LOVES his hot rods...he talks to them more than to me! Here is a video of Jack playing with his Hot Rods right before bedtime. You will note how SLEEPY he is--he DID NOT earn a sticker the night before ;)


Grandpa was just commenting on how his generation didn't get a "good job" for every positive behavior. Clear indication that Jack's generation does...

Jack on way to Karate last night had food all over his face. I handed him a wipey to clean up and he said, "Good job mom on remembering to bring the wipeys. Very proud of you!" Wonder if I get a sticker???

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