Oct 13, 2010

Mr Social Butterfly

Jack was playing in the backyard when he spotted his neighbor, Devin (a year older) in his backyard. Jack ran up to Devin and screamed in a voice that sounded like it came from the Dicken's era:

Jack: Hello Devin. Are you playing outside today?

Jack ran to mom and dad to share Devin's reply (which was a simple, yes).

Jack (running back to Devin): Devin, what outfit will you be wearing for Halloween? (outfit???) Will you be a ghost because I am going to be a ghost buster and that would be very funny if you were a ghost!

Jack ran to mom and dad to share Devin's reply (he will be Indiana Jones)...Jack also asked who Inidana Jones is (thinking many a kid will be asking their parents what a Ghost Buster is, too!)

Jack (running back to Devin): Devin, I read a book called Dotty on the Potty and that was really funny because it said potty...POTTY!!! POTTY!! THAT IS FUNNY! (picture Jack now jumping up and down and running in circles flapping his arms...apparently this is how three-year olds become popular because Devin has asked for Jack to come over and play two days in a row now! HA!)

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