Oct 13, 2009

Does Anyone Know Someone or Something?

Lately it has been like a Family Circus cartoon in our house.

Dad: Who did you play with at school today?
Jack: Someone.
Dad: What is their name?
Jack: Someone.
Dad: Do you have a best friend at school.
Jack: Yes.
Dad: Who?
Jack: Someone.

Mom: What do you want for your snack today?
Jack: Something.
Mom: Apples with PB or Crackers and Cheese?
Jack: Something.

Jack: A policeman came to our class today.
Dad: What was his name?
Jack: Someone.
Dad: What did he do?
Jack: Something.

1 comment:

  1. Jack, I am so glad you are feeling better.
    Now you can get back to your fireman duties.
    Love grandma
