Oct 5, 2009

First Day of Primary Class

Jack's transitioning to the Big Boy Class. He moves up from the Montessori Toddler program to the primary class. He leaves those 1-3 year-old vultures--always swooping in and stealing his toys (his sentiment, not ours) to be with the 3-6 year-olds.

Jack's Morning
Jack wore his ridiculously priced, European skinny jeans and extra spiky hair this morning (to compensate for the haircut mommy never schedule that is desperately needed!) As we pulled into the school parking lot Jack cried out with disappointment and confusion, "This isn't the big boy class mommy...this is the same school!"

Jack's Day
Jack spent a little over an hour in the big boy class. Apparently he did just fine...a bit excited with all the newness and apparently he was not interested in the teacher's plan to count beads. I should have told her he prefers to count fire alarms! When they came to take him back to the Toddler class he did not go willingly. I suppose this is a good sign?

After School
Jack reports that he spent "a little time" in the big boy class. That he likes their puzzles. And, he doesn't want to go back to his old class. He goes again tomorrow...perhaps a little longer?

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