Oct 3, 2009

Jack and the Bean Pole

Big Boy Jack
Jack made it through most of the night in his new bed. Twice he woke crying...poor guy didn't know what to do waking to all the wide open space. Both times he was easy to soothe back to sleep. Nap time went perfect! Whew.


Ode to the Skinny Jean
On another note we went jean shopping today. Being 38.5" and 27 lbs has him two inches too tall for 2T and about 10lbs too small for 3T. So we have to choose...butt pockets stretching to the front or Michael Jackson style highwaters. Thank goodness the Europeans are still obsessed with skinny jeans (or are they just skinny people.) We found two brands that will work for now. Of course why jeans with LESS material cost MORE is beyond me...is it bad I am hoping he doesn't grow any taller at least until spring.


  1. Jack, we had the same jean promble with your aunt Mary. She was a jr in high school, wore a size one jeans( those days are long gone.)we had to go to a shop in Gaston to get her jeans, also cost more.

    I enjoyed watching you rub your stomach and pat your head. Grandma never learned to do that, I don't think your Dad can do it either.
    Love you. Grandma
