Oct 16, 2009

Hi Ya!

Jack had a private assessment to determine his readiness for a tiny tigers Karate class. I have never wished for a video camera to fall out of the sky and into my lap more than I did during his audition. What were we thinking? He actually did VERY well! Though they encouraged us to come back in January to see if his "focus" is a bit more developed. I am not sure what they are talking about...unless it has something to do with the following random interruptions coming from Jack during the middle of his "focused" karate instruction (while the instructor was talking nonetheless!):
  • Woa! The air conditioner just turned on...and I see a fan!
  • You are my teacher and that guy is a teacher and that is my daddy and mommy...
  • That green cone is a rocket ship...it could fly to space...
  • I want to go pow on the bags now...

We knew it wasn't looking good when the very disciplined Karate instructor was repressing his own giggles and commented "Okay...you know a lot of words. Jack can you look at me?"

We were actually quite proud and he LOVED it. He followed their direction very well and watching Jack bow on command, stand tall, punch and kick on command (even when all the kicking caused his pants to fall down) was more than adorable. He had joy written all over his face the entire time. Like I said...wish a video camera had fallen from the sky!

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