Oct 28, 2009

Isn't Greed One of the Seven Sins?

Connect the Dots (and Popsicle greed)
Sunday we noticed Jack's eyebrow was red and swollen. Monday morning his cheeks matched. The doctor suspected the Tamiflu from last week. Benedryl and cold compresses are keeping him comfortable. We went back at 8am this morning for a flu shot and follow-up. The lead doctor came to see Jack and is not happy that Jack is now suspected to be allergic to three different meds. He said the rash looked Scarlet Fever like and did a strep test. The test came back negative and they are now doing the 48-hour one to be sure. He wanted it to be strep versus a medicine allergy. Pooh. Looks like allergy testing is in Jack's very near future. On the bright side our little boy showed great negotiating skills at the doc's today.

Jack to Doc: Maybe Jack can have a blue Popsicle? Please.

Doc: I think the nurse just gave you one, right?

Jack to Doc: That was for the strep test. Maybe now I can have one for the flu shot.

He did get it...and it was blue, too. He also took his shot and strep culture like a pro.

Daddy's Little Boy (and money hungry)
Jack is going through a very pronounced Daddy stage. It is doing wonders for mom's self-esteem. Every morning Jack wakes wanting his Daddy and upset that he is at work already. This week he has come up with some interesting alternatives to explain Daddy's whereabouts:
  • Daddy isn't at work. He went to the bank to get Jack more money.
  • Daddy isn't at work. He is at Giggles getting Jack a lot of new toys.
  • Daddy isn't at work. He went to get Jack some more paint for my arty arty craft day.

Hmm...does anyone see a theme?

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