Oct 17, 2009

Dr Suess Would Be So Proud...

or maybe not. Jack made a rhyme today. I had him re-enact it for the camera. He now delights in repeating this phrase in public....of course.

The Gym

Jack continued his love of Dr Seuss on the way to the gym. Oh yea...we signed him up for gymnastics since karate will have to wait another season :) We thought it a great idea to help him build more strength since he is no longer doing physical therapy. He attended the class a few weeks back as a trial. Oh boy...was it interesting. As you know Jack can become a bit over-stimulated in new environments with his desire to explore every nook and cranny. His Director at his school says it is a sign of intelligence...Jack must be a genius then because by the end of the gym class there was only one person huffing and puffing...ME...from chasing him all over the gym. Well, this time things were much different. I brought Daddy along for help :) Actually we have been saying "At gym you have to stay with the group" as a mantra for the last two weeks. It worked. Jack took off a few times but once we uttered that phrase he came back willingly. Phew. I was amazed at how in three weeks he has actually built some strength...the first time around he could not do a wheelbarrow. He just could not support his body weight with his arms. This time I walked him several feet in wheelbarrow mode. Last time he could hang from the rings for a second. This time he not only hung from the rings but pulled his knees up towards his chest and it lasted...well, three seconds! We have nine sessions to finish the year. So, what about the Dr Seuss comment??? The whole way to the gym Jack kept saying "I have a wocket in my pocket!" which considering the gymnastics class is made up of 100% girls (just this class by fluke)...I was growing a bit nervous with his comment. hee-hee. All was well. He is a preschooler after all.

1 comment:

  1. I can understand Jack having a, "Wocket in his pocket", after all, he sleeps in a "Wocket Room" does he not? And Jack, don't you worry about having to wait for another karate season, I'm betting you will have a lot more fun tumbling with the girls at the gym! Poppop
