Oct 19, 2009

Sick Jack

Jack came down with a fever last night at dinner. By the time we were putting him to bed it was 103 degrees. He typically runs a bit high, though. He slept long but restlessly. He asked to see one of his doctors (Dr Carol) around 3am in the morning. That is when I knew he was really sick. He also screamed out "Where is Minni and Poppop?" and calmed only when he learned they were with Grandma and Grandpa in Charlotte. At one point he told me that cupcakes do not have chicken bones but drumsticks and muffins do (I think we might have gone over 103 degrees at that point). We did see the doctor today and because of his high fever and his high risk as a preemie, recent pneumonia, and pint-size she prescribed Tamiflu. It is suppose to shorten the life of the flu and speed recovery dramatically. He has taken two doses thus far and was quite active around dinner time tonight. So much so that I am calling this the silly flu versus the swine flu. I am not sure if the Tamiflu can work that fast...but I am sure hoping so! He is in bed now with a fever hovering only around 100 degrees. Here's praying he has a good night!

1 comment:

  1. Please give Jack a big hug for us! We are wishing him a speedy recovery and hope that he feels better soon! I think he needs a dose of sunshine and sand...in Hawaii of course!
    Aunt Mary
