Jun 30, 2011

Sweet Things Kids Say

Last night as Dad was playing with Jack he said "That's okay Dad, we can play more. If I use up all my laughs God will just put more in me."


Then this morning he crawled into bed with me around 5am. Cuddle up and said, "I wish it was night time still so Dad would be here to cuddle up with instead of you."


Jun 24, 2011

Nine is Fine!

Nine months that is! Bronwyn has rounded the corner and is in the home stretch towards her first birthday! At her check she weighed in at 18 lbs...50th percentile. 28 inches....75th percentile. And head circumference in 75th percentile. My how a moment on Bronwyn's lips have mad an impact on her hips as she jumped up in weight since new yummies entered her tummy.

Here's a look at what her eighth month was like...

Jun 14, 2011

Jacasso...The Artist

Jack's daily drawings:

From left to right:  An ambulance with sick person in it; a woman; a no smoking sign; a staircase that frustrated him so for the lack of proportion....hence the big X mark through his drawing.  Why the no smoking sign you ask?  I asked too.  Because it is always posted at the restaurant and he needed one for our kitchen.

Rocks.  He explained the different kind and his coding with colors versus dots, etc.  It went very much over my head as my experience with rocks is this...ooh, does that diamond come in princess cut?

A firetruck, of course.  See the sirens, the four wheels, the ladder and the hose!  The F for fire truck because the word fire wouldn't fit.  Also that person is the one in trouble...her hair is on fire...thus the smile???

Jun 9, 2011

Silence is Golden

Jack and Bronwyn went to a Gold Mine with Nana and Emily yesterday.  While they didn't strike it rich they did come home with a few priceless stories.  On the way there they stopped at a Chinese restaurant for lunch.  Another patron with her seven-month old baby visited Jack and Bronwyn.  Jack said to her, "Your baby is as cute as my baby.  Say hi Bronwyn.  Go ahead and wave."  He then proceeded to eat jello for first time in a long while.  Upon exiting he turned around to face everyone in the restaurant and said purposefully using his outdoor voice, "Thank you for the JELLO!  It was a party in my esophogus and everyone was invited." He was only missing the bow.

Good grief!

Monkey See Monkey Do

Bronwyn and I played a rousing game of copy cat! I had the brilliant idea to capture her cuteness on film oh about two hours after the game got "old.". So multiple her efforts and enthusiasm by 100 and this video will warm your heart...or tickle your funny bone (you chose.)

Jun 8, 2011

Put One Foot in Front of the Other...

It's been a month.  How can life change in a month?  Jack and Bronwyn have a new cousin (or technically she is a second cousin or is it a cousin once removed...so confusing!).  Journee was born since we posted last and we say WELCOME TO THE WORLD Journee!  I went to Korea and learned that a 13 hour time change is like an extended hangover without any of the fun!  Jack has gone through a major drawing spurt and if we can find where I packed the camera I will get some of his images on film...but suffice to say if you just name one of the few emergency vehicles in existence today chances are you will guess what his picture is of pretty accurately!  And Bronwyn...well she is now cruising like a champ, climbing stairs, eating meat (she loves it!), fingering cheerios, and waving hello/goodbye.  Here she is playing with Jack's wagon (which he generously has given to her except for when he needs to convert it into a Monster Truck and have it demolish all the pillows in the house...insert mom's rolling eyes here.)

Promise to be more timely on updates.