Jul 11, 2013


While visiting Grandma and Grandpa, Jack and Bronwyn tried their hand at being scarers!

Jack's scene from Monster's University.

Bronwyn's version of Mike Wozawski.

And this is either Boo or Randall (depends when you ask her!  

Happy Fourth!

Holiday traditions of cookouts, pool play, picnics and fireworks--all to celebrate the birthday of our country.  I asked Jack a few patriotic questions to test his Independence Day knowledge.  

Q1:  What was America fighting for during the revolutionary war?
J:  I don't know.  Because the King of England was being unfair.

Q2:  What do the stars represent on the American Flag?
J: Easy, the 50 states.

Q3:  What do the stripes represent?
J: The original 13 countries.  :)

Q4:  What freedoms did the deceleration of independence give us?
J:  Freedom to do whatever we want?  (You wish Jack, ha!)

Q5:  Who is our president?
J:  Current is Presidemt O'bama.  First was President George Washington and 16th was President Abraham Lincoln.  (Someone paid attention in school last president's day!)

Q6:  What is the president's job?
J: Oh, he is the big boss.  He decides how to spend the money.  

Q6:  What is your favorite part of the Fourth of July?
J:  Fireworks!

So, I've concluded my six-year old knows as much as most of us ;). 

Jack and Bronwyn with their cousins!

Slip sliding fun (at Pop Pop and Minni's Pool)

For Dad too!

Made in Shades!

Sun bathing beauty!


Jul 1, 2013

Jack Feet

Jack reports that our kitchen is 51 Jack feet long.  

Princess Parade

To you these might be wooden discs.  To an imaginative two-year old they are  beautiful crowns for her princesses.  I think the two-year old's way of thinking is much better ;)